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About the Arab

   The region of the practice of Islam and the auspicious life of its last Prophet Muhammad About the Arab is the country called Arabia.  For this reason, it is also called the cradle and homeland of Islam, there are the Qiblah and Kaaba and many other important monuments and centers of Islam.  Therefore, it is important that we get the necessary information about this country. Arabic causative adjective: There are opinions about the name Arab: One is that Arab means desert and desert.  That is why this country got its name and the inhabitants of this place also gave it their own name.  Another opinion is that Arab means  The most eloquent and eloquent speakers, as the people living here considered the language to be the most eloquent and eloquent and themselves the best language speakers, so their country and they themselves were called Arabs.  He called the rest of the people Mujam, meaning speechless and dumb.  The second opinion is not mo...

Islamic history

  This book discusses Islamic history and Islamic civilization. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the concepts of Islam, history, Islamic culture and civilization. Because in many minds either these concepts are not clear or there are many doubts and confusions about them due to ignorance and anti-Islamic writings.


Islam means bowing your head to the will of Allah and surrendering yourself completely to Him. This will of Allah Ta'ala is obtained by following His commandments, just as Allah Ta'ala created man and the entire universe and fulfilled their material needs. Similarly, He also sent His messengers in every age and every nation to fulfill the spiritual needs of human beings. Along with some messengers, he has also revealed books. Allah's Messenger and his books have been telling people Allah's will and His commandments.

Now it is obvious that the history of Islam begins with the arrival of the first Messenger of Allah in the world. This was the first messenger Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) who was also the first human. From them came the entire human race called man. When the commandments of Allah Ta'ala were forgotten and people went astray, Allah Ta'ala sent messengers to guide them out of His mercy and grace. According to a tradition, the number of these messengers is one hundred and twenty four thousand.

Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last Messenger of Allah. You brought the last book of Allah, the Qur'an. Many apostles are mentioned in it. Among them, Hazrat Noah, Hazrat Salih, Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Ismail, Hazrat Al-Haq, Hazrat Yaqoob, Hazrat Yusuf, Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Shoaib, Hazrat Lot, Hazrat Zakaria, Hazrat Yachi and Hazrat Jesus are very important. And all of them were messengers of Islam and brought the message of Islam to their own people in their respective times. In the Holy Quran, their religion is called Islam and they are called Muslims. It has also been explained in the Holy Qur'an that Islam is the only religion in the sight of Allah and whoever adopts a religion other than Islam will not be accepted by Allah. This proved that all the messengers who came from Allah were the messengers of Islam. Then rationally and logically this fact is also proved. When Allah is Wahid (alone), all His messengers have one message and one religion

Before the arrival of the last Prophet (PBUH), all the Messengers came to guide a particular age and a particular nation. It also happened that two messengers happened at the same time or in two different places, Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Harun Alaihiyya Islam were both sent to Egypt to guide the Pharaoh and Banu Israel. Or Hazrat Abraham and Hazrat Lut (peace be upon him) for two separate nations, another contemporary messenger of Hazrat Musa was Hazrat Shoaib (peace be upon him) who was the messenger of his nation. It is obvious that the Islam that he brought was sufficient for his nation, but it was not complete in its place. He was for his time and his people, but not for every time and every nation.

In fact, the matter is that Allah Ta'ala has put the principle of gradual evolution (gradual development) in the creation of His Majesty and in everything, and it is also continued in the institution of Prophethood. Human understanding and consciousness has been developing slowly, it can only understand the institutions of the Prophet, but the whole religion. Therefore, gradually in every age, the human mind was prepared according to its standards, and when it reached the stage where it could fully understand the religion, then Islam was completed and the last Messenger of Allah was given its last The book was sent to this Dina.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has explained this fact in his hadith that all the Prophets continued to build the building of religion. It was selling a brick place. You completed the building by placing that last brick. The Holy Qur'an has made it clear that according to the commandment of Allah Almighty, I have fulfilled my blessing on you and have made the religion of Islam acceptable to you, so that no other religion is acceptable after that. When the religion was completed and Allah promised to protect it, our Messenger Sayyid Na Majid (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was declared Khatam-ul-Nabiin (the last Messenger) that no Messenger or Prophet will come after him until the Day of Judgment. Therefore, the religion you call Islam is complete and universal and eternal, that is, for all times and for all human beings.

The religion of Islam has many aspects: one is related to belief and the basic belief is Tawheed, that is to believe that Allah is one God and God and not to accept any other God and God but Him. Medicine and the most important devotions are connected with it: believing in all His Messengers and believing in the Hereafter. These are the three basic beliefs in Islam and their subsidiary beliefs such as belief in angels, books, destiny and heaven and hell etc.

The second aspect is worship and it basically includes the four pillars of Islam namely Salwa (prayer), Sawm (fasting in Ramadan), Zakat and Hajj.

The third aspect is related to affairs, i.e. how Muslims should relate to Muslims and other human beings, and this includes morals. The chapter on human relations is very broad. It includes politics, society, economy, and every word and deed of a Muslim. Islamic law Shariat is the name of its collection. Its completion is called the completion of Islam. It is evident that He is unchangeable and has come to be established and continued till the Day of Resurrection.)


The definition of history changed according to time and place. That is why historians differ on it. But these differences are actually the evolution of the theory of history under the principle of gradual evolution. Earlier it was believed and even today some people believe that the name of describing events is history. Obviously, not every event makes history. Only those events that make history or are part of history are important and affect human life in some way. Whether they negatively spoil it or positively build it up and beautify it. Until now, such important events have been considered and described as history, but the fact is that they are historical events but not history. For a while, Muslims also considered the narration of events as history, and this is still what most Orientals or non-historians do.

In fact, history is the study of man with reference to time and environment. At a particular time a particular group or groups of human beings performed exploits or black deeds in their environment and they advanced or retarded the vehicle of human life. This progress or retreat of human life is called history. It is not history merely to narrate the historical events, but to recover or correctly portray the human society of that time and environment on the basis of these historical events.

This portrayal or recovery of human society is such that the historian or historian, while describing historical events, traces their causes that make history and analyzes their effects on the whole of human life or a society. And they influence the society and put it in a certain direction. Therefore, the first duty of the historian is to collect historical events, then evaluate them in the scales of truth or falsity, leave out the false events and take only the raw events. Find out the causes of these crude incidents, why and how they happened and while finding out these causes, let it be clear in his mind that he is looking for the truth and only the truth and find them in truth, honesty and practicality. To present with objectivity. Then based on these events, he should present the picture of this society and society.

Objectivity means that history presents the picture that emerges after analyzing the events and what human life looks like. Rather than looking for events according to preconceived plans or beliefs. Create a picture of your choice. The most difficult part in the analysis of historical events is not to present a specific picture of the events or to make it according to one's belief, religion, concept, idea or plan. It is obvious that he will be truthful in presenting the original history and he will be a liar in presenting it according to his likes and dislikes.

Islamic history 

A fundamental difference between the Islamic concept of history and the non-Islamic concept of history is that non-Muslim historians consider historical events to be neutral, that they are not on the side, while according to Muslim historians, all historical events are on the side of truth and truth, or so it can be said. That in them lies testimony to the truth.

The second important difference is that non-Islamic historians consider only historical events to make or distort history, while one of the principles of Islamic historiography is that without a doubt, causes and causes create historical events, but along with them, Allah Almighty The hidden hand and intention is always changing and it negates many causes and factors. In the Holy Qur'an and many verses and hadiths of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mention is made of this ever-continuing and oblivious hidden intention. Otherwise, why is it that many apparent causes have the opposite effect? Or the causes of many events are not known. It is obvious that apart from the historical events made by human hands, there are some natural causes and only Allah's intention is working in these natural causes.

The famous Muslim historian Ibn Khaldun (13321406/5732808) presented his philosophy of history, which is the Quranic Islamic philosophy of history. According to him concrete events are evident in history. Behind them is hidden the "Batin" of history. External events combine with internal events to form history, and true history cannot be known unless both are studied together. Internal events are actually based on the principles of history. And these rules are made by Allah and are subject to His will.

One theory of Islamic history is also that for what purpose it should be studied. The Holy Qur'an and other Islamic sources say that history should be studied for lessons and advice. You should decorate your whole life. It is also necessary for the society and the society to adopt the way of life and the method of the rebel nations of Allah so that it is granted goodness and success in both worlds. He should not only wish to be successful in this world, but according to the Qur'anic supplication, he should wish for success and goodness in both this world and the hereafter and strive for it.

There are some basic concepts and theories of Islamic history that are not generally found in non-Islamic history.

Firstly, the concept of Islamic history is connected with belief and religion, but the history of the early period is entirely the history of religion. Therefore, Muslims must study Islamic history to know and understand their religion Islam. Similarly, it is essential for the recognition and identification of Islamic culture and civilization.

Non-Islamic history participates in the second issue that history is the mirror and contact of every nation and nation, unless a nation is aware of its own history. Not only is his relationship cut off from his past, but he is lost in the darkness of time, so that he neither knows his beginning, nor the present gets light from the past, nor the future shines without his guidance. can Is. The case of Muslims is more than that. Without the knowledge of Islamic history, they are not only left swinging in cultural space and historical ignorance, but they also become ignorant of their religion, unaware of their identity, unaware of their religion and indifferent to their Islam. The inevitable result of this is that on the one hand they are deprived of their glorious heritage and on the other hand un-Islamic influences are overshadowed by them to such an extent that they become fond of other rivers and afraid of other rivers. And under other influences they are also ashamed of their history and their culture They live and then their whole life is spent in shame and in imitation of others. Their religion and religion remain only a collection of a few rituals, obviously, this only creates a negative attitude in life and ceases initiative and dynamism.

Second, Islamic history covers the entire Islamic civilization, so it is the link of the comprehensive connection of various sciences and arts. It acquaints the student with all the sciences and arts and their evolution which are the religion of the Muslims and at the same time provides a link between different sciences and arts. The Qur'an describes the history of the Qur'anic sciences, hadith, fiqh, kalam, philosophy, science, and medicine, and highlights the connection between them. Moreover, it also explains the social evolution of economic institutions and moral values.

Thirdly, it keeps reminding Muslims and believers of Allah Almighty every step of the way. She keeps telling him what things to avoid and what things to follow so that both the progress of this world and the good of the hereafter can be found. Now this fact is recognized in the light of historical events that whenever the Muslim world made material and spiritual progress, the torch of Islam was in their hands. As long as he held fast to the correct Islamic teachings of the Qur'an and the Hadith, he made all sorts of progress in giving. Until there is no nation equal to them and since they ignored the teachings of Islam, they are falling equally into the darkness of decadence and disgrace of humiliation.

Fourthly, Islamic history should work for the stability and development of Islam. Islam should be defended by it, that is what it demands from Muslims.

Fifth, Islamic history has universal and international trends. It creates unity and harmony in different linguistic, geographical, group, religious classes and communities and binds the entire human race in a unity while other history divides them into different units. There are some other ideas and concepts of Islamic history which are only looked at. In the end, the answer to the question that from which period we should study Islamic history, according to our definition, it should begin with Hazrat Adam, peace be upon him, but due to the lack of accurate historical events and sources, we cannot begin with the last Prophet, peace be upon him. Let's start it with the Mubarak pledge. It also covers the basic points of early Islamic history. Since history revolves around the axis of Islam in all Islamic periods, it is called Islamic history. Without Islam, neither man is Muslim nor Islamic history.


Without getting confused with the definitions of civilization and culture and the differences in them, it can be said in simple words that when a human group or society has achieved a certain level of development in the religious, social, economic, political, intellectual, and moral fields. If he takes it, it is called his civilization or culture. In fact, social society and overall lifestyle should be called civilization. There are two main aspects to the study of this topic: First, the motto or ideal of a nation or society is called ideology in English, and secondly, local customs and traditions. The ideal of Islamic society is obviously Islam. The religious ideal of Islam is to establish a direct relationship between Allah Ta'ala and His servants, and this relationship is achieved through sincere confession of the Word of God and sincere practice of it. That is, to acknowledge and believe in the monotheism of Allah Ta'ala and to accept and reject Hazrat Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, as his last messenger and prophet. The practical demonstration of both of them is to follow the members of Islam and all other commands and teachings. Socially or socially, Islam wants to establish a system that is based on the brotherhood and integrity of Muslims, in which there is collective justice and fairness and respect for the fundamental and legal rights of the individual and every group. Where there should be no discrimination and treatment against anyone on the basis of caste, community, color, caste, region and other prejudiced divisions. Members and all other commands and teachings are to be followed. Socially or socially, Islam wants to establish a system that is based on the brotherhood and integrity of Muslims, in which there is collective justice and fairness and respect for the fundamental and legal rights of the individual and every group. Where there should be no discrimination and treatment against anyone on the basis of caste, community, color, caste, region and other prejudiced divisions. Members and all other commands and teachings are to be followed. Socially or socially, Islam wants to establish a system that is based on the brotherhood and integrity of Muslims, in which there is collective justice and fairness and respect for the fundamental and legal rights of the individual and every group. Where there should be no discrimination and treatment against anyone on the basis of caste, community, color, caste, region and other prejudiced divisions.

Economically, Islam wants a fair distribution of wealth. He wants to minimize the gap between the rich and the poor. The concept of complete economic equality by abolishing all their classes is against Islamic law. Because the Qur'an clearly says that Allah gives superiority to some of the people over others. However, he determines the right of the poor in the wealth of the rich and wealthy. 

Politically, Islam wants to establish a real welfare state where the rights of every individual, every class and every group are taken care of and everyone is considered equal in the eyes of the law. In the eyes of Islam, no person is above the law, from the supreme ruler to the humble worker. 

In one of the hadiths of the Islamic scholarly ideals of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, it has been stated that wisdom is the inheritance of a Muslim, wherever he finds it, he is the most entitled to it. In the second hadith, it was stated that acquiring knowledge is the duty of every believer. Therefore, scientific and technical development is an essential requirement and demand of Islam. Islam is not against the use of maqtal, but it has declared consideration and consideration as necessary regarding the verses of the Holy Quran, but it is the command to use the intellect under the authority of divine revelation, i.e. the Quran and Hadith and within its scope. Gives so that reason alone does not spread error. He wants to bring the Muslims to the highest moral point where every action is based on Taqwa (the thought of Allah, His love and His fear). Not only Muslims but all citizens should have good morals. Islamic ideals have laid down principles and development. All the customs, customs and traditions of the Islamic society circulate in their light Should be done . It is obvious that there are local customs and traditions of eating, drinking, dressing, lying down, marriage, fairs, festivals, processions, etc. Islam does not abolish all these customs, customs and traditions, rather it modifies them and adapts them according to Islamic principles, if there is nothing against these Islamic principles, it accepts them in the same way. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not destroy the Jahili traditions and customs of the Arabs, but he accepted their good things and corrected the bad aspects.

The chicken of life that emerges from the combination of these two aspects is Islamic civilization.


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