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About the Arab

   The region of the practice of Islam and the auspicious life of its last Prophet Muhammad About the Arab is the country called Arabia.  For this reason, it is also called the cradle and homeland of Islam, there are the Qiblah and Kaaba and many other important monuments and centers of Islam.  Therefore, it is important that we get the necessary information about this country. Arabic causative adjective: There are opinions about the name Arab: One is that Arab means desert and desert.  That is why this country got its name and the inhabitants of this place also gave it their own name.  Another opinion is that Arab means  The most eloquent and eloquent speakers, as the people living here considered the language to be the most eloquent and eloquent and themselves the best language speakers, so their country and they themselves were called Arabs.  He called the rest of the people Mujam, meaning speechless and dumb.  The second opinion is not more correct, but the first opinion is correct

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