The region of the practice of Islam and the auspicious life of its last Prophet Muhammad About the Arab is the country called Arabia. For this reason, it is also called the cradle and homeland of Islam, there are the Qiblah and Kaaba and many other important monuments and centers of Islam. Therefore, it is important that we get the necessary information about this country.
Arabic causative adjective:
There are opinions about the name Arab: One is that Arab means desert and desert. That is why this country got its name and the inhabitants of this place also gave it their own name. Another opinion is that Arab means The most eloquent and eloquent speakers, as the people living here considered the language to be the most eloquent and eloquent and themselves the best language speakers, so their country and they themselves were called Arabs. He called the rest of the people Mujam, meaning speechless and dumb. The second opinion is not more correct, but the first opinion is correct.
According to the Arabic language etymology and due to some other arguments, the meaning of Sahrayar desert is definitely found in all the other words that are formed from the word Arab. The exact meaning of the other stars is unknown or poor. Since the Arabs did not know other countries, they named them this way. Then the present form of the Arabic language is relative and has reached this stage of development much later. A few centuries before Islam, their language was not so developed, the Arabs were even then.
Geography of Arabia:
Geographical conditions have a great impact on human, human history and civilization and its evolution process. Therefore, it is important to know the brief geography of Arabia.
Looking at the map of the world, it is known that Arabia is located on the south-western edge of Asia. The Red Sea separates it from the continent of Africa in the west. They were very useful for the first Muslims too. Egypt (EGYPT) is one of the most important countries in Africa in front of the Gulf of Aqaba at the northern end of the Red Sea from Abyssinia. In Asia, the only country west of Arabia is the Red Sea.
In the north of Arabia is Syria, which was a part of the Byzantine Empire at that time. To the north of the north is the territory of Turkey, which was the center of the Byzantine Empire at that time.
To the east of Syria and northeast of Arabia is the country of Iraq, which was under the Sassanid Empire of Iran, the largest empire of that time. In the east of Arabia is Iran, joined by Iraq. To its north is the region of Turkestan or Central Asia (CEMTRAL ASIA) whose borders are bordered by the Empire of China.
South-east of Iran is the Persian Gulf and in this eastern part of Arabia, the area connected to Iran is Bahrain, and to the south were the small kingdoms of Oman and Hajr, respectively. Just south of Arabia is the Indian Ocean. And in the small strip of Arabia mixed with Hijr is the vast area of death. And just to the southwest is the famous country of Yemen near the shores of the Red Sea.
Going straight north in the Red Sea, the west coast of Arabia and its ports lay in the east. This whole area is called Hijaz. In the west came the east coast of Africa and its maritime cities and finally reached Egypt and from there went to Europe. The Arab country is surrounded by sea or water on three sides. That is why the Arabs call their country Jazeera Al-Arab even though it is the Arabian Peninsula (Arbian Pormisula).
Geographical distribution of Arabia:
The land of the Arab country can be divided into several parts in terms of geographical or physical structure, but for the sake of ease of study, we can divide it into three major parts:
A DESERT Most of the Arab region is desert. It has two major parts. One is known as "Rub Al-Khali", which is in the south-central part of the country. And it separates the southern belt which includes Hijr, Hazra Mut and Yemen, etc. from Najd, the main central region of Arabia.
The other is the desert called "Al-Fawz" in the north of Najd region. These two deserts are separated by a red sandy soil called Aldhana. Apart from them, there are Jabjar tribal areas and strips in between. Thus most of the area is desert.
They have two parts according to season. One summer zone (SUMMER ZONE) and another winter zone (WINTER ZONE) - Summer zone has water and greenery only in summer and winter zone has water and greenery only in winter. Empty in summer.
Its impact on human life was that the desert or Bedouin, commonly known as Bedouin (BED-OUIN). They were forced to spend their lives in these two areas separately in both seasons of the year to get water and greens.
2. Hilly region: (HILLY REGIONS)
Small and medium-sized mountain ranges are scattered throughout Arabia. Among them, the most famous mountains and mountain ranges are: The longest range is Jabal al-Sarat, which starts from Yemen in the Deccan and goes to Syria. The mountains of Yemen are known by his name. The western coastline known as Ghor and Samma. It is part of Jabal al-Hijaz. The city of Makkah is one such city
It is located in a hilly area.
Life is impossible on the mountains, but there are plains in the mountains and there is plenty of water and greenery. Life in these mountainous plains is relatively easy as the city and area of Taif is located in such a mountainous plain. Their land is fertile and they also have gold and silver mines from which these two minerals are extracted.
The Oasis: (OASIS)
The green and green area or strip in the middle of the desert Yar tribal areas is called an oasis. Because of water supply, there is green and fodder and human life is easy. Among the famous oases of Arabia, Madinah, Khyber, Fadak, Wadi al-Qari, etc. are worth mentioning. Cultivation and palm horticulture are good here.
4. Plains
There are very few in Arabia. The most important of them is the Yamama region, which is located in the south of Iraq and is quite fertile. It produces a lot of grains like wheat etc. and the famous country in all of Arabia and just south-west near the shores of the Red Sea is Yemen.
From the sea route of the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean in the south, if people went straight south, they would go to the west coast of India and the Incas, and if they turned south to the east, they would reach the islands in the Persian Gulf and the west coast of Iran.
Going straight north in the Red Sea, the west coast of Arabia and its ports lay in the east. This entire area is called authorized. In the west, the east coast of Africa and its maritime cities came and finally they reached Egypt and from there they went to Europe. The country of Arabia is surrounded by sea or water on three sides. That is why the Arabs call their country Jazeera Al-Arab even though it is the Arabian Peninsula (Arbian Pormisula).
Geographical distribution of Arabia:
The land of the Arab country can be divided into several parts in terms of geographical or physical structure, but for the sake of ease of study, we can divide it into three major parts:
A DESERT Most of the Arab region is desert. It has two major parts. One is known as "Rub al-Khali", which is in the south-central part of the country. And it separates the southern belt, which includes Hajar, Hadra Mut and Yemen, etc., from Najd, the main central region of Arabia.
The second is the desert called "Al-Nufuz" in the north of Najd region. These two deserts are separated by a red sandy soil called Aldhana. Apart from them, there are Jabjar tribal areas and Paniyas in between. Thus most of the area is desert
They have two parts according to season. One summer zone (SUMMER ZONE) and another winter zone (WINTER ZONE). In the summer zone, there is water and greenery only in summer, and in the winter zone, there is water and greenery only in the winter season. Empty in summer.
Its impact on human life was that the desert or Bedouin, commonly known as Bedouin (BED-OUIN). They were forced to spend their lives in these two areas separately in both seasons of the year to get water and greens.
2. Hilly region: (HILLY REGIONS)
Small and medium-sized mountain ranges are scattered throughout Arabia. Among them, the most famous mountains and mountain ranges are: The longest range is Jabal al-Sarat, which starts from Yemen in the Deccan and goes to Syria. The mountains of Yemen are known by his name. The western coastline known as Ghor and Samma. It is part of Jabal al-Hijaz. The city of Makkah is located in such a mountainous region.
Life is impossible on the mountains, but there are plains in the mountains and there is plenty of water and greenery. Living in these mountainous plains is relatively easy as the city and area of Taif is located in such a mountainous plain. The land is fertile in them and gold and silver are not found in them, from which these two minerals are extracted.
The Grove: (OASIS
The green and green area or strip in the middle of the desert Yar tribal areas is called an oasis. Because of water supply, there is green and fodder and human life is easy. Among the famous oases of Arabia, Madinah, Khyber, Fadak, Wadi al-Qura, etc. are worth mentioning. Cultivation and palm horticulture are good here.
4. Plains: (PLAINS)
There are very few in Arabia. The most important of them is the Yamama region, which is located in the south of Iraq and is quite fertile. It produces enough grains like wheat etc. and supplies the whole of Arabia. The Quraish of Makkah relied heavily on his Allah. There are many fields in Najd, Yemen etc.
The geographical conditions of Arabia had a profound and varied effect on human life. In the two great deserts of Arabia, the heat is so intense and the rain and wind are so strong that it is difficult to live there. Hence the population is very small. However, in other desert areas where the weather is not so harsh, human population has been found, but due to the poor supply of water, the life there is nomadic. That is, it is in constant circulation. People move from one place to another in winter and from one place to another in summer and from one place to another in summer. This is the case in some plains where water is not available. This population is called Bedouin (Ahl al-Badiyya).
In mountain plains and especially in oases, as water and food are relatively easy to obtain, there is a permanent population that remains concentrated in one place. These people are called citizens or civilized (civilized people).
Although being Arabs, their basic characteristics are the same. However, geographical differences have created a lot of difference in their social and economic life.
Arabs: (Semitic people)
Considered a component of the Semitic nations (SEMETIC) or Banu Sam of the Arab nation. Morin and genealogists differ on the issue that this tube is divided into human (linguistic).
Racial Theory:
Ancient scholars and philosophers have believed that the Arabs are the descendants of Sam, who was the son of Prophet Noah. According to this genealogical theory, the human population started from the three sons of Prophet Noah, Sam, Ham, and Nawaz.
Linguistic Theory:
While modern scholars and experts believe that Arab people are called Semites because they speak the Semitic language Arabic. According to the theory of linguists, Arabic is the most modern and advanced language in the family of Semitic languages. The most important languages included in this language family are: 1. Assyrian 2. Hello Nee 3. Hebrew 40. Aramaic, 5. Arabic and 6 Abyssinian.
Arguments of Linguistic Theory:
The theory of the formation and development of the Semitic nation on linguistic basis was born in the nineteenth century. There are several reasons for this: First, when the Semitic languages were studied, it was found that they are all similar and have the same characteristics and structural elements.
Secondly, when all the social institutions of the speakers of these languages, i.e. customs and traditions, religious beliefs, and physical features were analyzed deeply, it was found that these people are very similar to each other. This suggests that the linguistic similarity is actually due to their ancient kinship.
The main characteristic of their uniformity is that the speakers of all these languages share a deep religious fervour. Their imagination is very clear, they all have a remarkable individuality and a very clear sensibility.
Based on this, it was concluded that Peloni, Assyrian, Chaldean, Amorite, Aramaic. The Phoenician Jews, Arabs and Abyssinians would have once lived in the same region and were one nation.
The original homeland of the Semitic people:
Historians have disagreed about the original homeland of the Semitic peoples, leading to three main theories:
They are those who believe that their original homeland was East Africa, based on the extensive linguistic relationship between the Semites and the people.
Secondly, there are the Mortians who, inspired by the verses of the Torah and the Gospel, believe that the island of Iraq (MESOPOTAMIA) was their original homeland.
Third, the most popular and favorite view is that the Arabian Peninsula was the original homeland of the Semitic people, and the coastal region of southern Arabia was the first.
Among these three, the last theory is considered to be more popular and correct today. Because there is a significant difference in the first two theories. It is wrong to consider the island of Iraq as the real Semitic homeland, as it would also mean that the people who farmed on the banks of the rivers left their area and adopted a barbaric life and desert. This is against the principle of development because first there is an organized life and bad civilization, then after it is developed, a meaningful civilization is found. The second theory also has many problems. Therefore, it is ultimately considered the most correct.
The spread of the Semitic people:
The Arabian Peninsula has its coastal areas or beaches worth living and inhabiting. Especially the southern belt which is wider. There can only be a certain amount of population, when the population grew beyond a certain limit and its resources could not meet the needs of the population, the surplus population moved to other habitable areas. Being surrounded by the sea on one side and the desert on the other, people could travel to other areas only through the western belt, and eventually it did. Along this route, they spread at various times to the habitable areas of northern Arabia, the Sinai Peninsula and the Nile River Valley of Egypt. The Sami population migrated or migrated to the north in different times and eras:
(1) Their first migration took place in 3500 BC. They followed the pro-Egyptian nation through the north-western belt or eastern Africa and formed the Egyptian nation of history, which is a mixed Semitic and pro-Egyptian nation. Egyptian civilization gave many things to man. They have stone-based architecture and a solar calendar.
(2) At the same time, the Semites of South Arabia made another migration. They took an eastern route to the northern regions and went to the valley of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, where a more civilized nation, the Sumerians, had already settled. The Semites learned from the Sumerian people how to live permanently, especially by building houses, and more importantly agriculture and the arts of writing. So my people were Semitic people. From the descendants of these two nations, the Helonian nation was born, which together with the Egyptians formed an important foundation of human civilization. He taught ARCH and VAULF in architecture. And at the same time he made a wheeled cart and scales and taught how to measure.
(3) Three thousand years before the birth of Jesus, the second migration of Semites took place. who gave birth to the Amorite people of the valleys named Bilal Akhdar. The Amorites included the Canaanites and the Phocian Greeks of the coasts. These Phoenicians invented the world's first alphabet system for writing, with twenty-two signs for each letter or sound. It is considered to be the greatest invention of the world which has brought human civilization to a special development.
(4) Between 500 BC and Taqiyam, the Hebrew people arrived in southern Syria and Palestine, while the Aramaic or Syrian people settled in the north. The Hebrews presented for the first time in the world the clear belief and reality of God's unity, and this belief in monotheism is common to Islam, Christianity and all heavenly religions.
(5) About 500 BCE the NABATAENS established their empire east of the Sinai Peninsula and built magnificent buildings, many of which still exist at Petra. It was the time of the height of their civilization.
(6) In the 7th century AD, the last migration of the Semites took place under the banner of the homeland of Islam when they conquered the fertile Bilal region, Iraq and Syria, Palestine and Egypt and founded a global Islamic state. Later, it occupied North Africa and Andalusia located in the west of this state and the present Iran and Turkestan in the west and the whole of Asia. Historians and linguists who declare the Arabian Peninsula to be the original region of the Semitic race refer to this last Semitic migration as the greatest proof of their theory because this migration took place in the full light of history.
(1) In the 7th century CE, the last migration of the Semites took place under the banner of Islam, when they conquered the fertile Bilal region, Iraq and Syria, Palestine and Egypt, and founded a global Islamic state. Later, it occupied North Africa and Andalusia located in the west of this state and the present Iran and Turkestan in the west and the whole of Asia. Historians and linguists who declare the Arabian Peninsula to be the original region of the Semitic race refer to this last Semitic migration as the greatest proof of their theory because this migration took place in the full light of history.
Ethnic distribution of Arabs:
On the other hand, the ethnic classifiers of the Arabs say that they have three races:
First Arab Baida:
Those who were the original inhabitants of the country and had become extinct centuries ago before the advent of Islam are called Banu Aram or Aramaic people. Among them, Amad (I and II), Amalek of Moin, Maud Atsim, and Amalek of Syria and Northern Hijaz were famous races. Apart from them, other races were also included like Ael, Bad Nazm and Jarham etc. Among them, Adu Thamud is mentioned in the Holy Quran.
Second - Borrowed Arab:
Who are called (descendants of Qahtan) and were the original inhabitants of religious Arabia after Arab Baida. Their original homeland was Hadramawt, etc., in the region of South Arabia, from where they migrated and settled in the regions of Central and North Arabia. The most important people among them were the Ansar of Medina. Their two Arab tribes, Aus and Khazraj, were tribes of South Arabia and Qahtani. Some of the Jewish tribes of Medina were also from South Arabia. In ancient times, the people of Saba were the most civilized Arab Aryas. Among the Arab tribes, Hamir, Kahlan and Taba were also related to them.
Third - Arab Mustaraba
Akbar, the son of Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him), was among the descendants of Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) and was called Banu Adnan. Their main settlements were in the areas and cities of the western coastal belt of Hijaz. The Quraysh tribe of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Rasulullah (SAW) was from this generation.
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